Liquid Dogma
Saturday, August 27, 2005
From Overheard in New York.
Man: ...and then she's gon' ask me, "How was church?" I'm like, get the fuck outta here. How many times have I asked her to go to Goddamn church with me? Every fuckin' Sunday, I ask that bitch to go to Goddamn church with me. Never! Not once has she come with me, now she wants to ask me, "How was fuckin' church?".
--Sephora, 19th & 5th
Overheard by: yassira diggs

Sunday, August 21, 2005
I happened upon the Invisible Pink Unicorn whilst looking at Wikipedia and at the entry for The Flying Spaghetti Monster. I thought both were really damn funny, not to mention things I haven't seen before, so I thought I'd share. I like the fact that you can't prove the unicorn doesn't exist (and that it's not pink) because it's invisible. Also, the pinkness and invisibility is a contradiction that is a key element of the faith. And I will surely instruct my children about the creation of the world according to The Flying Spaghetti Monster (when and if I have them).

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